What is Sports Management?
ISM Sports Management

✍️  Divyansh Kumar

🗓️ May 8, 2023


Inside the Sports Industry: Insights and Advice for Students Interested in Sports Management!

Haven’t we all had dreams of making it big in the field of our favourite sports since childhood? But not all of us were able to realise our dreams. We think that if we play well in the sport we will be able to make it big. But that’s not so, there are various other roles that we can play in realising our dreams to make our mark in sports! Those who were unable to do well by playing have the opportunity to do well in performing management & technical roles in their favourite sport. Let’s dive into sports industry and see how to contribute without playing!

Sports Life


What Is Sports Management?

A field that blends the exhilaration of sports with the strategic expertise of management. A field where passion and professionalism converge. As someone who has been captivated by the world of sports since my early years. I cannot help but feel a personal connection to the realm of sports management. 

It’s a domain that allows us to stay close to the games we love and provides a platform to shape the very fabric of the sports industry.

This goes far beyond the thrill of competition; it encompasses the behind-the-scenes orchestration that ensures sporting events run smoothly, teams are well-organised, and athletes can focus on what they do best.

It’s about developing comprehensive strategies, managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and fostering relationships with sponsors, media outlets, and governing bodies. The scope of sports management is vast, and it opens doors to a wide range of exciting career opportunities

So recently we had an interview with the founder & CEO of ISM GLOBE Mr. Pratik Hinduja. A premier sports management institute located in Mumbai, India.

Here are some of the questions which he has answered to clear the doubts about entering into the field of sports management.


What educational background is needed to enter into sports?

One of the most necessary attributes a person needs to have is a fresh mindset & passion for a sport. It also requires a lot of enthusiasm and a good amount of general knowledge about sports. So if you have the passion and enthusiasm you can make a great career out of it!

Sports Management


What are the skills & qualities are required to get into sports?

Sports management requires basic skills & qualities, some of which are-

A good amount of soft skills

Critical thinking 

Managing finances 

Networking capabilities

And one of the most important skills of all – Managing people. Cause you will be needing to manage events & teams so it requires you to be good at managing people.


What are the jobs available in this field?

Some jobs in sports have a particular have high potential and opportunity for growth and are appealing. Such as Data Visualisation, Sports Technology & Player Tracking. 

  1. Data Visualisation in sports management uses graphs, charts, and dashboards to present player performance, team statistics, and fan engagement data. It aids decision-making, trend analysis, and effective communication to enhance strategic planning and performance evaluation.
  2. Sports Technology has transformed sports management with tools for analysing athlete performance, preventing injuries, and engaging fans. Wearable devices, virtual reality training, and AI analytics platforms drive advancements in decision-making processes.
  3. Player Tracking in sports management requires the use of GPS and wearable devices to collect data on an athlete’s performance, analysing  metrics like fitness, positioning, and speed. This data-driven approach empowers coaches and professionals to optimise  player performance and enhance training strategies, revolutionising the field of sports management.

Sports Career

What kind of career growth can we expect in the field of sports?

Each sport has its limits which one can achieve in the field. Sports like football, basketball, cricket, motorsports & tennis are globally conducted and they also generate the maximum revenue. These sports have the highest career growth opportunities in sports management.

Sports like skiing, surfing, wrestling, skateboarding are all geographically restrained. Thus not allowing on to grow much in the fields and generate more revenue.


What will make a student join a sports management course & enrol at ISM Globe?

Well, this is a decision that the student has to make, if he/she has a passion or love for the sport, something that comes from within them will be the driving factor for them to join a sports management institute or course. 

As for why ISM Globe, we focus on developing the skills of a driven student and fine-tuning them further to help them make a career out of it. This institute was the result of Mr Hinduja’s passion and love for sports. ISM provides a direction for those who love sports. Our team is dedicated to guiding you to choose the best career path in the field of sports management. 

Sports management is a field that combines a passion for sports with strategic management expertise. It involves the behind-the-scenes orchestration of sporting events, team organisation, and athlete development. This is just one part of our interaction with Mr Pratik Hinduja, stay tuned as the second part will be published soon, to learn more insights on how to make your career in sports management.


Still Confused about Career in Sports?

Visit ISM GLOBE to know more about Jobs in Sports. ISM GLOBE is a Top Sports Management Institute in Bandra, Mumbai. They have multiple certified courses after 12th and provide degree in sports.ISM Globe Logo

Such as PGPSM (12 month Post Graduation in Sports Management program) where you can study 6 Months in Spain and 6 Months in India. There are multiple short term courses like SM-101(4 months Sports Management program) available at ISM GLOBE related to Career in Sports and Sports Management Degree.

They also provide Summer School for the children above 14 who wish to take sports lessons in a professional manner.

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